Sunday, December 26, 2010

Never Give Up

The story of people who is never give if no matter how bad is their conditions!!
Always there are 1001 reasons to give up, but people "who succeed are those" who do not decide to surrender. He could always find an excuse for not giving up ...

Nancy Matthews EDISON (1810-1871)
One day, a boy aged 4 years old, somewhat deaf and dumb in school, go home to his house carrying a piece of paper from his teacher. her mother read the paper, "Tommy, the boy's mother, very stupid. we ask her to remove it from the school."

The mother was shocked to read this letter, but he soon made a firm determination, "My son Tommy, not a stupid child. I own that will educate and teach him."

Tommy grew into Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest inventors in the world. he only went about 3 months, and physically somewhat deaf, but it was not a barrier to moving forward.

Not many people know who Nancy Matthews, but when we heard the name of Edison, we immediately knew that he was the inventor of the most influential in history. Thomas Alva Edison became an inventor with 1,093 patents for his invention. who was previously thought that the dumb deaf boy until "asked out of school, ultimately could become a genius? answer is his mother!

Yes, Nancy Edison, mother of Thomas Alva Edison, do not give up so easily with the opinion of the school for their children. Nancy who decided to become a private teacher for Edison's education at home, has made his son a man who believes that he meant. Nancy Edison is restoring confidence, and it may be very hard for him. but he does not even allow limitations make it stop.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling
Since childhood, Rowling already has a penchant for writing. even at the age of 6 years, he has concocted a story called Rabbit. he also has a penchant without shame "showed his work to friends" and his parents. This habit he continued to be maintained until adulthood. High power of imagination that are later catapulted him in the world.

However, in real life, like Rowling suffered endless problems. The situation is poor, which even made it into the category of parties who are entitled to compensation for the poor from the British government, it was he experienced when Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter series. Coupled with a divorce that he experienced, in very difficult conditions it was even more spurred him to immediately write and complete the story of the little wizard named Harry Potter that his ideas he could when he was in a train. In 1995, with difficulty, because it did not have the money to memfotocopy manuscript, Rowling had to copy the script to retype it by using a manual typewriter.

The manuscript is finally finished with hard struggle was not immediately accepted and then exploded on the market. Various rejection of the publisher must he experienced first. Among them, is because originally he sent the manuscript to use his real name, Joanne Rowling. Disparaging view of women writers who are still strong handcuff for Book publishers and circles led to his deal with the obscure name to JK Rowling. Using the two-letter consonant with the hope he will be the same success with his favorite author CS Lewis children's story.

Finally, success came. Harry Potter incredible exploding market. All that of course is the result of the unyielding attitude and hard work are extraordinary. no kesuksedan paid a low price.

Steve JOBS In 1976, along with his partner Steve Wozniak, Jobs 21-year-old who started founded Apple Computer Co.. in the garage owned by his family. With some difficulty raising capital obtained by selling their goods the most valuable, the effort began. Their first computer, the Apple 1 was successfully they sell 50 units to a local store. In recent years, their business growing rapidly enough so that in 1983, Jobs lured John Sculley from Pepsi Cola to lead the company. So far, Apple Computer reap success and getting stuck its influence in the industry especially with the launch of the Macintosh computer. However, in 1985, after conflict with Sculley, the company founders decided to dismiss them, which Steve Jobs himself.

After selling its shares, Jobs is experiencing tremendous grief spend more time with cycling, and traveling to Europe. However, not long after that, the dismissal was apparently just brought a new spirit for himself. He also started a new business is a computer company, NeXT and Pixar animation company. NeXT is actually very advanced in terms of technology did not bring good results commercially. However, Pixar is a another success story thanks to cold hands. Through Pixar, Jobs brought a new trend in the world of animated film production in line with the launch of the movie Toy Story and Finding Nemo and the subsequent The Incredibles.

With the departure of Jobs and the stronger the dominance of IBM and Microsoft make Apple can not compete and nearly collapsed. Then, in 1997, Jobs was called back to fill the temporary leadership position. By apply teknoligi designed at NeXT, this time Apple re-emerged with a variety of technologically advanced product range of MacOS X, IMac and a phenomenal one that is iPod.

Steve Jobs success story teaches us that there is no instant success. rejection and failure often enliven our lives, but do not let all that makes us stop.
Oprah Winfrey
Capital courage "Be Yourself", Oprah became the most popular presenter in America and became the richest female celebrities according to Forbes magazine, with a fortune of more than U.S. $ 1 billion. Copy of the show "The Oprah Winfrey Show" has been played in almost all corners of the earth.

Born in Mississisipi of African-American couple with the name Oprah Gail Winfrey. His father was a former soldier who later became a barber, while his mother a domestic servant. Because they split the smallest Oprah was raised by his grandmother in a slum environment and the very poor. Extraordinary, at the age of 3 years Oprah has been able to read the Bible aloud.

"Reading is the booth to see the world" he said in an interview.

At the age of 9 years, Oprah experienced sexual harassment, she was raped by her mother's cousin and her friends and occur repeatedly. At the age of 13 years must accept the fact Oprah pregnancy and childbirth, but her baby died two weeks after birth.

After the incident, Oprah ran to her father's house in Nashville. Her father was very hard to educate and discipline. He was required to read the book and make a summary of each week. Despite heavy pressure, but later realized that this is what makes it hard upbringing as a strong woman, confident and highly disciplined.

Her achievements as a model student in high school took him elected student representatives who were invited to the White House. Scholarships else in the can when entering the college level. Oprah's never won a beauty contest, and that's when he first became public spotlight ..

His career began as a local radio announcer while in high school. Career in TV in the wake at age 19 years. He became the first Negro woman and the youngest as a local TV station news anchor them. Oprah's talk show debuted TVnya the show People Are Talking. And his decision to move to Chicago was the one who finally brought Oprah to the top of his career. The Oprah Winfrey Show became the highest-rated talk show on a national scale that never existed in American television history. It was great!

Background of life is poor, crime-prone and discriminatory harass him for trying to help others. Impressions of the show on television is always laden with human values, morality and education. Oprah realized, if she could invite all television viewers, then together, will easily fulfill all the dreams for the sake of helping those who are oppressed.

Oprah is also known for his generosity. Various foundations have disantuni, among others, hospitals and research institutes AIDS sufferers, various schools, people with addiction, people with disabilities and more.

And finally, on 2 January 2007, Oprah attended the inauguration of a special school girls in the town of Henley-on-Clips, outside Johannesburg, South Africa, which he founded along with the television audience. Oprah set aside 20 million pound sterling (1 pound kira2 rp. 17,000, -) or 340 milyiar dollars of his fortune. "By giving a good education for these women anak2, we will begin to change this country" he hoped.

Oprah Winfrey's story is the story of a young man who did not want to bemoan the fate. He fought hard for the success of his life, and he succeeded. He has a mental steel and able to change fate, the sorrow of life into a successful man who has character. The spirit of struggle we deserved look up!
Of course you know 7up. Lemon flavor soft drink brand is quite popular in parts of the world. Behind the 7up brand fame apparently there is a very interesting story for us to learn about the meaning of "never surrender".

This company originally took the name as a brand soda 3up. But unfortunately, these efforts failed. Then the founder returned to fight for his business and changed his name to 4up. Unfortunately, these products also fared the same as previously. Next she tried to get up again and changed again its name to 5up. Failed again. Kecintaanya on soda made him give up and try again with a new name 6up. This product had failed and he surrendered.

Several years later, another person appears and make 7up soda with a name and get a great success! Maybe we do not know when our efforts will bear fruit, but someday that time will surely come. Precisely because we know when the time ga our success, so we never stop our efforts and decided to give up. 3up fails, make 4up! 4up failed, founded 5up! even though they have appeared 6up, 7up, 8up, or 100up though, never stop until our efforts to fruition.

Trust that God appreciates our efforts. success does not come on lazy people who fought and quitter. Show the quality of our faith through our perseverance in the fight! FIXED THE SPIRIT!
Mark Zuckerberg (facebook)
Ever heard of social networking site Friendster? Perhaps, through such sites, many old people who never met, can be re-united, reunian, and even paired. Therefore, sites that some time ago had very popular. Therefore, it would not be surprised if after a successful era of Friendster, the various social networking sites popping up. One of them is up.

Up was actually created as a social networking site limited to the campus of the author, namely Mark Zuckerberg. Student-Harvard University is the time-trying to create a program that can link one college friends. For this reason, the name of the site which was initiated by Mark is up. This name he took from the book up, which is a book that usually contains a list of members of the community in one campus. In a number of colleges and preparatory schools in the United States, this book is given to students or new faculty members to be able to get to know other people on campus concerned.

In about the year 2004, Mark who was tinkering with a hobby website creation program successfully wrote the original code up from his dorm room. To make this site, it only takes about two weeks. Men born in May 1984 was then announced its Web site and attract colleagues to join. Only in a relatively short period-about two weeks-up has been able to capture two-thirds more Harvard students as a permanent member.

Found up to become a strong magnet to attract more people to join, he decided to follow in the footsteps senior-choose-Bill Gates dropped out to menyeriusi that site. Together with three colleagues-andre McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, Mark then opened up for general membership.

Mark was not just desperate. He had plenty of reasons to prefer a menyeriusi up. Mark and his colleagues managed to make up a social networking site that immediately bounce his name, following the trend of Friendster's also developing at that time. However, in order to have more value, Mark was processing up with several additional features. And, like the excess features that makes up more and more popular. Imagine, There are 9373 applications that are divided into 22 categories that can be used to liven up the page, start a chat, games, instant message, until the political affairs and various other things. Amazingly, the nature of the membership of this site is very open. Thus, the data created each person more clearly than any other social networking websites. This makes people more comfortable with Facebook to find friends, whether already known or to find new acquaintances in different parts of the world.

Since its emergence up in 2004, members continued to grow rapidly. The percentage of increase exceeds the seniors, Friendster. That site recorded 60 million people have visited and even Mark Zuckerberg dared to target in the year 2008, that number will reach 200 million members.

With these strengths and the number of outstanding applicants, up to 'merchandise' that very behavior. Not surprisingly, the software giant Microsoft was interested ask for her hand. And, supposedly, to have only 1.6 percent share, Microsoft should spend no less than U.S. $ 240 million. This means that capitalization value stocks up could reach U.S. $ 15 billion! No wonder, Mark later crowned as the youngest billionaire in the history of the start of his own.

Mark Zuckerberg intention to sekadar'menyatukan 'campus community in a network turned out to have a major impact. This has led men's 23-year-old became the youngest billionaire in history. Indeed, foresight to see opportunity and good intentions can actually be combined into a tremendous added value. This is an example to us, that good intentions plus a struggle and perseverance in exploring opportunities that will bear the opportunity to change lives more meaningful.

The story of Maestro Microsoft's Bill Gates and Paul Allen

William Henry Gates III or better known as Bill Gates, born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. Bill's father, Bill Gates Jr.., Worked at a law firm as a lawyer and his mother, Mary, is a former teacher. Bill was the second of three brothers. Since childhood he has a hobby of "hiking", even until now even these activities are often did when he was "thinking".

Bill Small able to easily get through the primary school with excellent value, especially in teaching science and mathematics. Knowing this, Bill's parents, then menyekolahkannya at a famous private school with good academic training, called "Lakeside." At that time, Lakeside had just bought a computer, and within a week, Bill Gates, Paul Allen and several other students (mostly later became the first programmer MICROSOFT) has spent all hours of computer classes for one year.

Bill Gates's computer capability has been recognized since he was still in school at Lakeside. Starting with his "hack" the school computers, changing schedules, and student placement. In 1968, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and two other hackers hired by the Computer Center Corporation. to be a tester security system company. In return, they are given the freedom to use a company computer. According to the Bill when it is they really can "enter"